Email2AT uses specific logic to determine which Contact and Account a new Ticket should be assigned to. This logic relies on the "Email Address" field of Contacts, as well as the "Web Site" field of Accounts.
Email2AT will now also include a user-defined field called "Email2AT Addresses" for Contacts, and "Email2AT Domains" for Accounts.
Here's why this is such a cool thing: Previously, if your customer had a professional email address ([email protected]) as well as a personal email address ([email protected]), Email2AT would only correctly handle inbound email from the customer's professional address (or whichever address was listed in Autotask for that Contact). Now, you can add the customer's alternative email addresses to the "Email2AT Addresses" field in the Contact, and Email2AT will correctly handle email sent from the professional address as well as the personal address.
Similarly with Account, some companies use many email domains. Instead of only recognizing a single domain, Email2AT can now support as many inbound email domains as an Account may need. If Acme Corp uses,, and, Email2AT can handle all three of these. Simple set the "Email2AT Domains" field for this Account to be ",,".
During the Email2AT activation process, two new User Defined Fields will be added to your Autotask instance automatically. Accounts will have a new field called "Email2AT Domains" and Contacts will have a new field called "Email2AT Addresses".
Instead of a single domain-per-Account and a single email-per-Contact, simply list additional domains and email addresses in each of these fields.